Hey girls! I'm Kelly here.
Just here to tell you all that after I read the post
that Hui Tong posted, I felt the strong urge to come
here and post. Haha !
Regarding the attendance, please be a more RESPONSIBLE
member by informing your captain AND teachers if you are
NOT going for training and state the reason why. Don't just
assume that if you are not there, your friend would help you
to notify them. Don't make this kind of assumptions. Do all
this and it would help to make your captains' job easier. I'm
sure they would appreciate all these.
On the hand, you are are ENCOURAGE to do your own fitness
by yourself. This is of course your own choice, no one can force
you to do it if you all are unwilling. But just want to tell you
that no matter in what sports what matters most is your
FITNESS ! Even if you are a team that have all the skills but do
not have stamina, you would still lose to a team that have stamina
but not skills. So please be self-motivated and self-disciplined to
go and do all your self running and if required your ball passes
against the wall. All these would definitely help you all. Because
BASICS are the most important, without them you can't move
on to learn new things.
So on this note, work hard during training and also study hard
for EOY ! Good luck!